Gbaffou: African Diaspora Forum (ADF) wishes to thank the General Public and the Republic of South Africa for a successful Africa Week Celebrations from 20th to 27th May 2017. This year’s celebrations saw on a parade over 10000 participants on the streets of Hillbrow, Berea and Yeoville. We cannot salute enough the tenacious resolve of the ADF members for the show of Strength and Unity, nor the Unity of Purpose
exhibited by the migrant community and Her leaders. To our Partners – Carnival Company, United Proactive Artists, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, SABC Channel-Africa, National Department of Arts & Culture and more importantly the Gauteng Provincial Government, we heap loads of gratitude. To our resource organisations like Foundations for Human Rights, Lawyers for Human Rights, Johannesburg Holocaust Genocide & Centre, Institute of Higher Learnings, we appreciate your candid contributions. Heads of Missions and the Diplomatic Corp especially The French embassy and consul General of France in Johannesburg, the consul General of Nigeria in Johannesburg, and German embassy that showed practical solidarity we remain indebted. The South African Police Services who added a great value to the event with the police brass band and the drill squad. To the scintillating participants, entertainers/food vendor’s we are proud of you all. hoping that our social cohession objectives will be achieved in due course. We once more give kudos to the Media Franternity and the Host Community & Government we cannot thank you all enough. We pledge and Endeavour to remain Steadfast to our Objectives and mandate irrespective of our challenges. We however have resolved to be the Change we desire.
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