Join Us and Sign This Petition Against Xenophobia…

About 4000 people have signed the petition. Your signature and voice is needed .

It has came to our attention that the South African government has instructed their media houses not to talk about the petition against Xenophobia. Let us continue mobilising on social media.

The killing of  migrants,  destruction of their businesses, and misleading the international community that there’s no Xenophobia in South Africa can no longer be tolerated.

We all need to help South Africa to solve this problem. We all remember the way the white oppressors misled the international community during apartheid. The world wouldn’t be aware of the tactics of the apartheid regime if our hero Nelson Mandela didn’t spend 27 years in prison. It’s unfortunate that the same tactic is being used today by the black government instead of addressing the issue.

Please Click here and sign the petition and circulate it to your networks click here

Viva the spirit of Nelson Mandela, Viva

Thank you very much


arc GBAFFOU,  founder African Diaspora Forum (ADF)