African Diaspora Forum
Mr A. HabibAllah. The social integration Champion recognition award.
The Story of Abdeslam HabibAllah: A Lifelong Commitment to Unity and Social Cohesion. Abdeslam HabibAllah’s life is a testament to dedication, leadership, and an unwaveringcommitment to fostering unity and integration across diverse communities. Born and raised...
The “Moroccan Day” Symposium, in pictures
Through the Years
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Mr A. HabibAllah. The social integration Champion recognition award.
The Story of Abdeslam HabibAllah: A Lifelong Commitment to Unity and Social Cohesion. Abdeslam HabibAllah’s life is a testament to dedication, leadership, and an unwaveringcommitment to fostering unity and integration across diverse communities. Born and raised...
Zimbabwe Exemption Permit holders
Media Statement Minister Motsoaledi welcomes the decision of the High Court: Gauteng Local Division, Pretoria to struck from the roll urgent applications by Zimbabwe Exemption Permit holders for lack of urgency. 29 December 2021 In a desperate bid to overturn the...
Zimbabwe Permits in South Africa
Decision on Zimbabwe Exemption Permits
Loss of Gabriel Hertis
It is with sadness that we woke up to the devastating news about the sudden passing on of one of our own - Gabriel Hertis. Not to undermine the efforts of any among us, Gabriel was one of the very few ADF leaders whose fear of God, love for humanity, dedication to ADF...
Operation Dudula pushes ahead with hateful politics
New Frame by: Jan Bornman A ‘clean-up’ march through Soweto led to sporadic lootings of migrant-owned shops and the eviction of some residents. A countermarch opposed the xenophobes and the rhetoric that fuels hatred. On the 45th anniversary of the June 16 uprising in...
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